Methods complex evaluation of the child and group / class

Course Code: MET 2201 • Study year: II • Academic Year: 2025-2026
Domain: Education Sciences - Masters • Field of study: Psycho-pedagogy of Early Education and Small Schooling
Type of course: Compulsory
Language of instruction: Romanian
Erasmus Language of instruction: English
Name of lecturer: Ramona Stefana Petrovan
Seminar tutor: Ramona Stefana Petrovan
Form of education Full-time
Form of instruction: Class
Number of teaching hours per semester: 36
Number of teaching hours per week: 3
Semester: Summer
Form of receiving a credit for a course: Grade
Number of ECTS credits allocated 5

Course aims:

1.correctly use and use in various contexts the terminology specific to the complex evaluation process in case of children suffering from CES
2. identify the role of the members of the multidisciplinary team in coordinating the special education interventions;3. identify crisis situations in pre-school and school environment
4. built the assessment design of an intervention program
5. correctly manage an educational crisis situation;6. use various methods in order to personalize the intervention programs in particular cases of children suffering from CES
7. select / apply investigation methods adapted to the theme and objectives of the psychopedagogical research concerning the special education of children suffering from CES;

Course Entry Requirements:

The general objective of the course is the acquisition by the students of the competences related to the knowledge of the complex evaluation process in case of children suffering from CES and the elaboration of a design allowing the assessment of the

Course contents:

1. Complex assessment process of children suffering from CES 1.1. Steps of assessment 1.2. Contents of assessment: medical, psychological, social and pedagogical assessment 2.Multidisciplinary team 2.1. Components of multidisciplinary team 2.2. Role of multidisciplinary team 2.3. Competence in coordinating and assessing interventions for children suffering from CES 3.Intervention programs for children suffering from CES 3.1. Methods of personalizing / individualizing intervention programs 3.2. Assessment of intervention programs 3.3. Assessment report and school forecast 4.Crisis situations 4.1. Identification of educational crisis situations 4.2. Causes determining crisis situations 4.3. Strategies for solving crisis situations

Teaching methods:

Conversation, exemplification, case study, debate , lecture ,video materials

Learning outcomes:

Standard portfolio on given themes: - Means of organizing intervention activities in special education by adapting the curriculum – applications for three courses - Elaborating and assessing intervention programs in case of children suffering from various mental, sensorial, motor, social – affective / behavioral, language or associated deficiencies - Strategies of solving various crisis situations. Case studies50% -Written exam 50%

Learning outcomes verification and assessment criteria:

- Means of organizing intervention activities in special education by adapting the curriculum – applications for three courses - Elaborating and assessing intervention programs in case of children suffering from v

Recommended reading:

Gherguţ, A.,, Evaluare şi intervenţie psihoeducaţională. Terapii educaţionale, recuperatorii şi compensatorii, Ed. Polirom,, Iaşi, 2011, 1-65.
.Neamţu, C., Gherguţ, A., Psihopedagogie specială., Ed. Polirom,, Iaşi, 200, 1-75.
Petrovan R, Elemente de psihopedagogie specială și psihopedagogia integrării, Seria Didactica, Alba Iulia, 2018, 1-50.
Birch, A. & Hayward, S, Diferenţe interindividuale, Editura Tehnica, București, 1999, 1-75.
Vrăşmaş, T., Învăţământul integrat şi/sau incluziv, București, Aramis, 2001, 1-65.