Theological themes in the contemporary ecumenical dialogue

Course Code: MED201 • Study year: II • Academic Year: 2025-2026
Domain: Theology - Masters • Field of study: Intercultural and interreligious mediation
Type of course: Compulsory
Language of instruction: Romanian
Erasmus Language of instruction: English
Name of lecturer: Mihai Himcinschi
Seminar tutor: Mihai Himcinschi
Form of education Full-time
Form of instruction: Class / Seminary
Number of teaching hours per semester: 56
Number of teaching hours per week: 4
Semester: Autumn
Form of receiving a credit for a course: Grade
Number of ECTS credits allocated 8

Course aims:

To identify the possible and the main biblical and patristic grounds regarding the interconfessional dialogue;
To progressively and critically illustrate the evolution of the interconfessional dialogue forms from the founding of the Christian Church until today;
To show the resemblances and the differences between ecumenism and the interconfessional dialogue;
To know as objectively as possible the main initiatory personalities of the Christian interconfessional.

Course Entry Requirements:


Course contents:

1.The Ecumenism – Stability Factor in the Contemporary World, 2. The Triadology in the Contemporary Ecumenist Dialogue, 3. The Transcendental Christology, 4. The Pneumatology: Interconfessional Vision, 5. The Interconfessional Anthropology and Cosmology, 6. The Ecclesiology as Open Synodality, 7.The Church’s Infallibility, 8. The Christian Eschatology, 9. The Patristic Dogmatic Exegesis, 10. The Church’s Missionary Ontology, 11. Modern and Contemporary Theologians and Their Contributions in Developing the Ecumenism, 12. The Laymen’s Apostolate and the Quality of the Christian Life, 13. The Ecumenical Movement and the Christian Mission: World Missionary Conferences, Inter-Orthodox Missionary Consultations, the Common Christian Confession, 14. The present stage of the Ecumenical Movement.

Teaching methods:

Lecture, exemplification, conversation, debate.

Learning outcomes:

critical, selective and systematic attitude towards dogmatic information; ability of applying the principles for understanding a dogmatic document in an appropriate manner, respectively, to take into account all elements involved (socio-cultural, patristic, religious).

Learning outcomes verification and assessment criteria:

Written paper-interpretative essay – 20%, Debate 10%, Frontal evaluation/ Oral exam: 70%

Recommended reading:

ANASTASIOS Yannoulatos, Ortodoxia și problemele lumii contemporane, Ediitura Bizantină, București, 2003, x.
Valer Bel, Misiunea Bisericii în lumea contemporană, Editura presa Universitară Clujeană, Cluj-Napoca, 2004, x.
Mihai Himcinschi, Misiune şi dialog: ontologia misionară a Bisericii din perspectiva dialogului interreligios, Editura Reîntregirea, Alba Iulia, 2003, x.
Ion Bria, Liturghia după Liturghie, Editura Athena, București, 1996, x.
Ion Bria, Martyria - Mission. The Wilness of the Orthodoxe Churches, WCC Publications, Geneva, 1980, x.