Course Code: TIE 215 • Study year: II • Academic Year: 2025-2026
Domain: Applied Modern Languages • Field of study: Translation and interpretation
Type of course: Compulsory
Language of instruction: English
Erasmus Language of instruction: English
Name of lecturer: Maria Crina Herțeg
Seminar tutor: Maria Crina Herțeg
Form of education Full-time
Form of instruction: Lecture
Number of teaching hours per semester: 28
Number of teaching hours per week: 2
Semester: Autumn
Form of receiving a credit for a course: Grade
Number of ECTS credits allocated 2

Course aims:

To acquire competences that enable students to translate specialized terms
To develop the capacity of identifying and translating a large variety of specialized texts.
to develop the capacity of working with databases and of compiling glossaries of specialized terms

Course Entry Requirements:

Course in ESP

Course contents:

1 Introduction to terminology work. Terms and concepts A definition of terminology. The importance of terminology. Terminology and other disciplines. Directions in contemporary terminology Schools of terminology. 2 Applied principles of terminology work. Scientific discourse. Specialized communication. Linguistic policies and the impact of terminology 3 Lexical and terminological semantic analysis 4 Retrieving relevant online information for terminology work. Terminography Extracting specialized terminology from linguistic corpora 5 Term formation. Principles in term formation. Methods used in terminology 6 Terminology management systems. Practical activities in terminology Translation and legal terminology 7 Practical activities in terminology Translation and business terminology 8 Information and documentation in terminology Categories of users who resort to terminological databases Documentation in terminology 9 Term standardisation Standards for terminology work. Types, relevance, use A short history of standardisation Standardisation principles Standards 10 Practical and theoretical issues of modern terminology 11 Terminology in translation Translation-oriented terminological resources IT applications which facilitate the use of terminology in specialized translations 12 Creating a terminology database Terminological planning The mechanism of terminological planning The history of terminological planning Ontologies 13 Translation, localization and terminology The role of terminology in the translation of specialized texts 14 New developments in terminology Terminology today

Teaching methods:

Debate Powerpoint presentations

Learning outcomes:

Students are able to compile databases and extract specialized terms Students are able to recognize specialized terms Students are able to compile glossaries of specialized terms

Learning outcomes verification and assessment criteria:

Oral Presentation 60 %Portfolio Glossary of specialised terms 40 %

Recommended reading:

Temmerman, R., & Van Camperhoudt, M., The dynamics of terms in specialized communication: An interdisciplinary perspective. Terminology, 17(1)., Professional communication and translation studies, 2(1-2), 39-44., 2011,
Wright, S. E., & Budin, G., Handbook of terminology management., John Benjamins Publishing Company., Amsterdam/ Philadelphia, 2001,
Ciobanu, G., Peculiarities of branding terminology. 2009,