Pedagogic practice

Course Code: PIPP 1 3506 • Study year: III • Academic Year: 2025-2026
Domain: Education Sciences • Field of study: Pedagogy of primary and preschool education
Type of course: Compulsory
Language of instruction: Romanian
Erasmus Language of instruction: English
Name of lecturer: Ramona Stefana Petrovan
Seminar tutor: Ramona Stefana Petrovan
Form of education Full-time
Form of instruction: Class / Seminary
Number of teaching hours per semester: 28
Number of teaching hours per week: 2
Semester: Autumn
Form of receiving a credit for a course: Grade
Number of ECTS credits allocated 3

Course aims:

• Developing the observance ability, consignment, analyse and evaluation for the instructive-educational activities, on main objectives and in totality
• Forming the ability of counselling the parents related to the programme of the child during the family time, the educational methods, the knowledge of the child etc.;
• Knowing the research specific of the educational process (characteristic, stages, functions, types, methodology etc.);
• Developing the capacity to cooperate with various educational factors, stimulating their participation in the instructive-educational activity

Course Entry Requirements:

Forming a system of operational abilities to project, achieve and evaluate instructive-educational activities: the ability to project full lessons, various types and variants, and other types of educational organisation forms (trips, visits, practica

Course contents:

- The observation and the registering of the integral development of different instructive-educational activities with the help of adequate instruments (grids, files, guides etc.); - The analyse, the debate and the group evaluation of the observed activities; - The creation of weekly and semestral planning, on domains and themes, and the creation of projects for various activities and of projects for other organisational forms of the educational process; - Completely conduct instructive-educational activities according to the planning projected by the coordinator and the mentor of pedagogic practice; - Using evaluation (self-evaluation) instruments for the instructive-educational activities; measuring and evaluating the objectives and the lesson; - Exercises for the projection of alternative activities, integral or on sequences, depending on the results of the evaluation; - Practicing a positive attitude in the relation with the primary school children and the profession and practicing a creative attitude in the development of the activities ; - Using the methods and the procedures for the prevention and the recovery of the retard in the development of the primary school children; - Applying strategies for the identification and the development of the primary school dispositions and aptitudes; - Applying specific strategies for the development of cooperation/communication and for the development of positive/stimulating psychosocial relations, of superior motivation for the group appurtenance, of affiliation, spiritual and for the development of the group as entity etc.; - Practical activities for the counselling of the parents upon the programme of the children during the family time, educational methods etc.;

Teaching methods:

Conversation, exemplification

Learning outcomes:

- The study of curricular documents specific to the school: The Curriculum for the school; The methodical guide for the primary school; The auxiliary curriculum for the primary school - Creating observation files for the assisted lessons - Creating the activity project for the lesson

Learning outcomes verification and assessment criteria:

- Creating projects for instructive-educational activities, using concepts, theories, paradigms, principles and methodologies specific to the educational sciences or to the taught disciplines;- Practicing instructive-educational activities that use

Recommended reading:

Petrovan Ramona Ştefana, Lucia Buda, Caiet de practică pedagogică, Editura Focus, Petroşani, 2007, 1-30.
Petrovan Ramona Ştefana, Lucia Buda, Ghid de practică pedagogică, Editura Focus, Petroşani, 2007, 1-30.
Ştefan M., A., Frăsineanu E., S, Ghid de practică pedagogică, Editura Sitech, Bucuresti, 2014, 1-30.
Iucu R., Instruirea şcolară- perspective teoretice şi aplicative, Ed. Polirom, Iasi, 2001, 1-50.
MEN, Curriculum-ul Naţional pentru învăţământul gimnazial / liceal, MEN, Bucuresti, 2018, 120.