Moral Theology (I)

Course Code: TP303 • Study year: I • Academic Year: 2025-2026
Domain: Theology • Field of study: Pastoral Orthodox Theology
Type of course: Compulsory
Language of instruction: Romanian
Erasmus Language of instruction: English, French
Name of lecturer: Oliviu-Petru Botoi
Seminar tutor: Oliviu-Petru Botoi
Form of education Full-time
Form of instruction: Class
Number of teaching hours per semester: 28
Number of teaching hours per week: 2
Semester: Autumn
Form of receiving a credit for a course: Grade
Number of ECTS credits allocated 3

Course aims:

The correct knowledge and use of the terminology of the Orthodox Moral;The knowledge, definition and understanding of the major themes of the discipline Moral Theology;
Knowledge of the concept and sources of Moral Theology;Knowledge of the methods and utility of Moral Theology;
Comparative knowledge of confessional morals with Orthodox morals;The knowledge and practical application of moral teachings;
Knowledge and understanding of the concepts of "moral values" and "moral law";It applies theories and methods to practical moral realities.

Course Entry Requirements:


Course contents:

The notion, sources, methods and utility of Moral Theology; Moral values and their relationship with the Supreme Good; The divine Law; Decalogue; The Beatitudes; Gospel advices; Human laws for good moral; Obligation, interpretation and change of law.

Teaching methods:

Lecture, exemplification, conversation, debate.

Learning outcomes:

The student will know, distinguish and apply the main notions of Moral Theology; The student will correctly use concepts of Moral Theology in public debates with medium and advanced level of understanding

Learning outcomes verification and assessment criteria:

Know the character of the Christian Moral. Maybe list confessional morals. It can make the difference between the old moral law and the moral law of the New Testament.Written paper-interpretative essay – 10%. Frontal evaluation/ Oral exam: 90%.

Recommended reading:

Paul Evdochimov, Une vision orthodoxe de la théologie morale. Dieu dans la vie des hommes, Les Éditions du Cerf, Paris, 2009, 194.
Christos Yannaras, The Freedom of Morality, SVS Press, New York, 1984, 278.
Philip Wogaman, Christian Ethics: A Historical Introduction, Westminster John Knox Press, Louisville, 2011, 376.