The Social Work of Family and Child

Course Code: AS 113 • Study year: I • Academic Year: 2025-2026
Domain: Social work • Field of study: Social work
Type of course: Compulsory
Language of instruction: Romanian
Erasmus Language of instruction: English
Name of lecturer: Petronela Maria Talpaș
Seminar tutor: Petronela Maria Talpaș
Form of education Full-time
Form of instruction: Class
Number of teaching hours per semester: 56
Number of teaching hours per week: 4
Semester: Summer
Form of receiving a credit for a course: Grade
Number of ECTS credits allocated 5

Course aims:

To acquire the notions, basic concepts and legislation specific to family social assistance and child protection
To have knowledge regarding the monitoring and evaluation of the intervention process at individual or family level
To analyze significant data for the characterization of the social problems faced by the family or the child • Recognize and intervene specialized in risk situations

Course Entry Requirements:

methods of investigation and social diagnosis

Course contents:

General notions regarding the social assistance of the family and the child.

Family typology, Types of marriage
The evolution of family structures and functions. A traditional-modern synthetic comparison

Roles and role expectations in the family group, Social stereotypes about gender differences

Family group problems, Types of family group specific problems

Parental duties and responsibilities, Parental rights and obligations

Social issues from the perspective of family and child protection
Domestic violence - Statistical data on the phenomenon of domestic violence in Romania
Family assessment and intervention tools.
Child - introductory notions; The rights and civil liberties of the child;
Family environment and alternative care, Alternatives to parental care

The main areas of child protection: Child health and well-being; Education, recreational and cultural activities; Protection of refugee children and protection of children in case of armed conflict; Protecting the child from exploitation

 Special child protection - common provisions;
Protection of a child who has committed a criminal offense but is not criminally liable;

Institutions and services with responsibilities in child protection;
Private bodies working in the field of child protection

Teaching methods:

Lecture, Illustrations Conversation

Learning outcomes:

Knowledge of methods of investigation and specialized intervention provided in the family or institutional environment to the family and the child at risk

Learning outcomes verification and assessment criteria:

The volume and correctness of knowledge The scientific rigor of language-70% Writing a paper on a given topic Active participation in seminars-30%

Recommended reading:

Neamţu, G.,(coord.),, Enciclodedia asistenţă socială, , Ed.Polirom, iasi, 2016, all.
Cojocaru,Ș., Cojocaru, D.,, Managementul de caz în protecția copilului.Evaluarea serviciilor și practicilor din România,, Ed.Polirom, Iasi, 2008, all.
Talpaş, P, Percepțiile tinerilor instituționalizați versus societate, Ed.Risoprint, Cluj-Napoca, 2009, all.
Talpaş, P, Asistenţa socială a familiei şi a copilului, Biblioteca UAB, Alba Iulia, 2018, all.