Norms, Standards and technical requirements for industry use

Course Code: SEIA 208 • Study year: II • Academic Year: 2025-2026
Domain: Electronic engineering, telecommunication and information technologies - Masters • Field of study: Advanced intelligent electronic systems
Type of course: Compulsory
Language of instruction: English
Erasmus Language of instruction: English
Name of lecturer: Adrian Alexandru Tulbure
Seminar tutor: Alexandru Avram
Form of education Full-time
Form of instruction: Class
Number of teaching hours per semester: 56
Number of teaching hours per week: 4
Semester: Autumn
Form of receiving a credit for a course: Grade
Number of ECTS credits allocated 6

Course aims:

• The course begins with synthesize, presentation and description of specific rules and standards for industrial companies.
• Documents presented focuses primarily on computerization and automation of the production technologies.
• The second goal is to integrate intelligent plant, characterized by adaptability, efficiency and enhanced ergonomics, into the adding value process and business development.
• focuses on knowledge of the procedures used in the internal and external technical audit process
• Understanding the connection between the market, business models and business partners

Course Entry Requirements:

Technical drawing and advanced diagnostic and control systems

Course contents:

• I.The stages of industrial development (industrial revolution, modern factory fractal / virtual, integration of suppliers, staff and beneficiary in the future plant) • II. Industry 4.0 concept (Industry 4.0 Structure and elements - as components of Smart Factory (SF) • III. Industry 4.0 Structure and features (modern human-machine interfaces, physical system-component base networks, Identification and repair of critical manufacturing system) • IV. SR EN ISO 50001: 2011 audit procedure (Particular requirements and overall system power management, Energy Policy and Planning (analysis, reference level, absolute and specific indicators of energy performance, energy targets, Action plans of efficient energy management) • V. Implementation and operation ISO 50001. • VI. Standard CISPR 25 (special radio disturbance) in modern plants (Experimental methods and statistical procedures for assessment the electromagnetic radiation in closed blocks, perturbations generated by industrial environments: energy distribution networks, computer networks, production flows, heat engines) • VII. Electromagnetic compatibility systems (ITC wired installations, Compatibility of fixed and mobile installations, Classical and specific measurement procedures) • VIII. ISO / TS 16949 automotive industry specific (Certification System IATF (International Automotive Task Force) Management of the production chain, Product manufacturing, testing, analysis and process improvement measures) • IX. ISO 11354-1: 2011, specific advanced automation technologies and applications • X. Energy audit and IT in the Data Center. • XI. Reassessment topics discussed themes and setting. Clarification of critical points. Future developments of standardization.

Teaching methods:

Technical presentation and meeting with experimental exemplification.

Learning outcomes:

- Knowledge of the used techniques in internal and external technical audits - Understanding the connection between market and enterprise models - Knowledge of the principles of efficiency and flexible production process

Learning outcomes verification and assessment criteria:

theoretical – 60%; experimental – 40%.

Recommended reading:

**, • Sisteme de management al energiei. Cerinte si ghid de utilizare. Energy management systems - Requirements with guidance EN 50001/2011, ISO, Bucharest, 2001, 200.
**, • ISO/TS 16949:2009 Qualitätsmanagementsysteme. Besondere Anforderungen bei Anwendung von ISO 9001:2008 für die Serien- und Ersatzteilproduktion in der Automobilindustrie; VDA, dritte Ausgabe 2009, ISO, Bucharest, 2008, xx.
Matt Flowerday,, • A practical review of data center standards and an exploration of auditing and certification,,, NY, 2002, z.
**, • ISO 11354-1:2011 Advanced automation technologies and their applications -- Requirements for establishing manufacturing enterprise process interoperability, ISO, Germany, 2010, x.
Institute of Standardisation, • http:, ISO, London, 2010, 220.