Advanced systems for measuring, processing and transmitting information

Course Code: SEIA 111 • Study year: I • Academic Year: 2025-2026
Domain: Electronic engineering, telecommunication and information technologies - Masters • Field of study: Advanced intelligent electronic systems
Type of course: Compulsory
Language of instruction: English, German
Erasmus Language of instruction: English, German
Name of lecturer: Adrian Alexandru Tulbure
Seminar tutor: Bogdan Croitoru
Form of education Full-time
Form of instruction: Class / Seminary
Number of teaching hours per semester: 43
Number of teaching hours per week: 3
Semester: Summer
Form of receiving a credit for a course: Grade
Number of ECTS credits allocated 6

Course aims:

The course is centered around the problems that rise during measurement operations, data processing and measurement data interpretations
The use of these devices is of great interest. Multiple measurement devices, both for analog and digital signals will be studie
This course will treat specific examples of measuring devices and specific systems which are integrated in advanced measuring system blocks
This course focuses on statistical methods of processing data series and measurement data
The maintenance work needed for these measurement devices is also studied

Course Entry Requirements:

1) Electronics and telecommunications measurements 2) Electronic measurement systems and tools 3)Transmissions and data encodings

Course contents:

• I. Measurement terminology - 2:00h (Technical data, Measurement units, Measurement unit systems, International systems of units). • II. The measurement process - 2:00h (The information chain of the measurement process, what is the information and how to quantify information). • III. Informational entropy - 2h (The link between measurement information and precision class of devices).• IV. The transmission of information through the measurement system – 2:00h (Information flow and data traffic, transmission speed of information) • V. Factors that influence the measurement process – 2h (External factors, mechanical and electrical factors, human in the loop, working conditions) • VI. Measurement errors - 2h (Fundamental notions, the underlying source of measurement errors, error classification, the process of measurement precision) • VII. Systematic errors – 2h (Error characteristics, instrumentation errors, interaction errors, merging errors, errors due to the improper working conditions, human errors) • VIII. Random errors – 2h (Root causes, manifestations and properties of random errors, confidence intervals, random error compositions) • IX. Persistent errors/faults – 2h (Irwin test, Grubbs test, Romanovski test). • X. Presenting the results obtained by measurements – 2h (Statistical proof checking, T test, Fisher test) • XI. Analog to digital conversion and vice versa: ADC, DAC – 2h (Types of converters, Advantages and disadvantages) • XII. Determining the parameters of a functional dependency – 2h (Correlation and regression. least squares method, considerations on the tests of the statistical hypotheses) • XIII. Measurement devices – 2h (Types of measurement devices, technical build, systems of measurement devices, measurement deviced operation modes, simultaneous comparison methods of measurement by successive comparison) • XIV. Measurement method characteristics – 2h (Static characteristic of measurement methods, Quality indicators for static and dynamic worki

Teaching methods:

Two hours long lecture every week plus a two-hour laboratory once every two weeks. The laboratory treats the practical aspects of the course.

Learning outcomes:

- G4 understanding and creating new knowledge in the domain of the course - SB2 developing software applications and handling the specific tools needed to develop applications in the applied electronics domain - SA3 designing data converters - SC1 Modelling, implementing, testing, use and maintenance of communication systems(radio, optical fiber, radiolocations networks, mobile communication networks and local area networks, wide area networks for internet connections)

Learning outcomes verification and assessment criteria:

theoretical – 66%; experimental – 33%.

Recommended reading:

M. Antoniu, Măsurări electrice şi electronice, vol.1, Satya, Iasi, 2001, x.
Fl. Tărăboanţă, Echipamente pentru prelucrarea şi comunicarea datelor, Astel Design, iasi, 2000, y.
R. White, Cum funcţionează calculatoarele, BIC All, Buc, 2002, z.
Luchian ZAHARIA, Sisteme de măsurare computerizate pentru achiziţia de date, Litografia, Iasi, 2005, w.
A.Tulbure si colab, ElectroProbleme, Aeternitas, ALBA IULIA, 2015, z.