Choral ensemble (V)

Course Code: MR305 • Study year: III • Academic Year: 2025-2026
Domain: Music • Field of study: Religious music
Type of course: Compulsory
Language of instruction: Romanian
Erasmus Language of instruction: English
Name of lecturer: Domin Adam
Seminar tutor: Domin Adam
Form of education Full-time
Form of instruction: Class
Number of teaching hours per semester: 28
Number of teaching hours per week: 2
Semester: Autumn
Form of receiving a credit for a course: Grade
Number of ECTS credits allocated 2

Course aims:

Knowledge of the main compositional models of European musical culture.
Formation of analysis skills based on general criteria and / or customized by styles.
Going through all styles of vocal, instrumental and vocal-instrumental music correlation with the analytical and repertory programs of the disciplines Music History and Choral Conducting.

Course Entry Requirements:


Course contents:

1.Applications (Directory)
   • D. Friderici - Three wonderful things
   • H. Leo Hasler - Gagliarda
2. • Cl. Jannequin - Why did I meet you?
   • B. Donati - Canzoneta
   • P. Certon - La, la, la, I don't know, bad
   • M.A. Charpentier - Sanctus from “Messe de minuit”
3 • H. Purcell - Ciocârlia
   • Gh. Cucu - Haz of trouble
4 • I. Vidu - Dear and dear
   • M. Jora - I was drunk
5 • G. Gastoldi - Amor vottorioso
   • V. Sebalin - Winter road
6 • J. Staden - Oh, listen, my dear
   • D. Sostakovich - Two heroes
   • Fr.M.A. Gevaert - Two Flemish songs
7 • G. Musicescu - Heruvic in Re
   • Gh. Dima - Come to the choir
   • Gh. Cucu - Song of longing
-The beauty is coming on the water
8 • M. Jora - Puica
   • Cl. Lejeune - Love song
   • O. Gibbons - What is our life?
9 • Th. Tomkins - Rozalinda
   • L. Marenzio - It warmed the sun
   • G.F. Handel - Acis and Galathea Choir
10 • J. Haydn Die Harmonie in der Ehe
    • J. Brahms - Oh, sweet May
    • B. Smetana - Choir from the opera “The Bride Sold”
    • L. Prophet - The Fountain
11 • G. Musicescu - Concert no. 1
    • I. Vidu - Sound from Crişana
12 • C. Palade - Wedding Songs
    • T. L. da Victoria - O quam gloriosum
    • Le jeune - Revoici venir di printemps
13 • W.A. Mozart - Choir from the opera "The Magic Flute"
    • Z. Kodaly - Evening Song


Teaching methods:

frontal, formative, explanation, model intonation, audition.

Learning outcomes:

we go through and prepare choral scores, from the specialized musical literature, on a study level, in order to support choral, secular and religious concerts, on different occasions. Study on vocal parts, instrumental and vocal and / or vocal-instrumental ensembles.

Learning outcomes verification and assessment criteria:

Oral exam 60%, contests 20%, practical activities 20%

Recommended reading:

Nicu Moldoveanu, Repertoriu coral, Editura Institutului Biblic și de Misiune al Bisericii Ortodoxe Române, București,, 2003, -.
Duţescu m, Voci mari, voci bizare.Ghid practic de cântat şi vorbit, Ed. Europa Nova, Bucureşti, 1955, -.
-, Antologie corală, religioasă și laică, Editura Institutului Biblic și de Misiune al Bisericii Ortodoxe Române, București, 2006, -.