Course Code: M310 • Study year: III • Academic Year: 2025-2026
Domain: Environmental Engineering • Field of study: Environmental Engineering
Type of course: Compulsory
Language of instruction: English
Erasmus Language of instruction: English
Name of lecturer: Mihai -Teopent CorcheČ™
Seminar tutor: Gianina Damian
Form of education Full-time
Form of instruction: Lecture
Number of teaching hours per semester: 4
Number of teaching hours per week: 4
Semester: Summer
Form of receiving a credit for a course: Grade
Number of ECTS credits allocated 4

Course aims:

Transmitting to students the specific legislation and the specific methods of drawing up various types of environmental documentation;
Presentation of notions, techniques and specific procedures for drawing up various types of environmental documentation;
the formation of skills in the preparation of various types of documentation in the field of the environment

Course Entry Requirements:


Course contents:

-Introduction to general environmental legislation of Romania

-Introduction to general water legislation of Romania

-The procedure and powers for issuing, amending and withdrawing the water management approval, including the procedure for assessing the impact on water bodies

-Technical documentation for substantiating the request for a water management permit

-The impact assessment study on water bodies

-The procedure and powers of issuance, modification, withdrawal and temporary suspension of water management permit

-The technical documentation for requesting the water management permit

-Assessment and management of ambient air quality

-Safety Report for Accident Hazard Control Involving Hazardous Substances

- Investigation of potentially contaminated and contaminated sites

-Assessment and management of ambient noise

-Strategic noise maps

-Climate change assessment and management 

Teaching methods:

Lecture, Conversation, Illustrations

Learning outcomes:

The objective of the discipline is knowledge of the legislation and norms used for the preparation of regulatory acts in the field of the environment, the formation of skills in the preparation of various types of documentation in the field of the environment, knowledge of the applicable legislation and how to interpret it;

Learning outcomes verification and assessment criteria:

Written exam

Recommended reading:

Romanian Parliament, Romanian environmental Law OUG 195/2005, Oficial Monitor, Bucharest, 2005, 1-100.
Romanian Parliament, Romanian Water Law 107/1996, Oficial Monitor, Bucharest, 1996, 1-100.
EUROPEAN COMMISSION, Non-paper Guidelines for Project Managers: Making vulnerable investments climate resilient, DIRECTORATE-GENERAL CLIMATE ACTION, Luxembourg, 2011, 1-76.