Course Code: DR III 5.1. • Study year: III • Academic Year: 2025-2026
Domain: Law • Field of study: Law
Type of course: Compulsory
Language of instruction: Romanian
Erasmus Language of instruction: English
Name of lecturer: Mircea Criste
Seminar tutor: Raluca Gligor
Form of education Full-time
Form of instruction: Class
Number of teaching hours per semester: 28
Number of teaching hours per week: 2
Semester: Autumn
Form of receiving a credit for a course: Grade
Number of ECTS credits allocated 4

Course aims:

• Describe concepts, theories and methodologies used in the field of law
• Styling the specialist legal language, written and oral, and the instruments of legal logic for an explanation and interpretation of concepts and theories of industry-specific
• Use legal language for the assessment concepts, theories and methods established in the field of law• Using legal language in the development of professional projects
• Defining and classifying theories and principles used in the study of entitlement
• Use concepts and theories of law, for an explanation and interpretation of texts of law (law) national, European and international

Course Entry Requirements:


Course contents:

1. Introductory considerations 2. Copyright. 3. Defense of copyright. 4. Rights related to copyright. 5. Industrial property right - patent. 6. Juridical regime of patents for invention. 7. On the lapse of the patent invention. 8. Rights arising from a patent. 9. Trade marks. 10. Transmission of the right to the mark. 11. The classification of marks. 12. Industrial designs. 13. Geographical indications. 14. Business name.

Teaching methods:

Lecture, conversation, exemplification.

Learning outcomes:

• Applying theories, principles and concepts in a context determined • Preliminary analysis of the data, their interpretation, the carrying out of classifications and some conceptual delineations • Development of Vocational projects using theories, principles and specific methods of entitlement.

Learning outcomes verification and assessment criteria:

Written paper – interpretative essay – 80%; continuous assessment – 20%.

Recommended reading:

Teodor Bodoașcă, Lucian-Ioan Tarnu, Dreptul proprietății intelectuale, Universul juridic, București, 2021,
Teodor Bodoașcă, Studii de dreptul proprietății intelectuale, Universul juridic, București, 2018,
Gheorghe Gheorghiu, Cosmin Cernat, Dreptul proprietatii intelectuale, Universul juridic, București, 2009,
Ioan Macovei, Tratat de drept al proprietatii intelectuale, C. H. Beck, București, 2010,