Virtual Instrumentations

Course Code: EA 3208 • Study year: III • Academic Year: 2025-2026
Domain: Electronic engineering and telecommunications • Field of study: Applied Electronics
Type of course: Elective (1 of 2)
Language of instruction: English
Erasmus Language of instruction: English
Name of lecturer: Mircea Rîșteiu
Seminar tutor: Mircea Rîșteiu
Form of education Full-time
Form of instruction: Class
Number of teaching hours per semester: 42
Number of teaching hours per week: 3
Semester: Summer
Form of receiving a credit for a course: Grade
Number of ECTS credits allocated 3

Course aims:

• The main objective is to know, understand and use specific knowledge acquisition, storage, processing and interpretation of signals
• General principles of instrumentation;
• Principles of measurement, interpretation, storage and processing of data;
• Virtual Instrumentation Technologies
• Learn how to develop basic applications in the LabVIEW graphical programming environment

Course Entry Requirements:

• Fundamental knowledge in electronics.

Course contents:

1. 1. Getting Started 2. Presentation LabView graphical programming environment 3. Types of data used in LabView 4. Structures programs 5. Structures programs 6. Mathematical calculations 7. Mathematical calculations 8. Functions vector values - matrices 9. Data type clauster 10. Representations graphics 11. File operations 12. Creating a Sub VI 13. Cluster- based data management 14. Fundamentals in file input and output 15. Waveform analysis 16. The "Electronics Workbench Multisim" 17. The "Electronics Workbench Multisim"

Teaching methods:

Lecture, industrial cases studies, exemplification, exercises, simple projects development. Infrastructure: LabVIEW and NI DAQ

Learning outcomes:

C1.1 Description electronic functionality of devices and circuits and fundamental methods of measuring electrical quantities C1.2 Analysis of complex circuits and electronic systems for small / medium in order to design and measure them C2.1 Temporal characterization, spectral and statistical signals C2.2 Explanation and interpretation methods of acquisition and signal processing C2.3 Simulation environments for analysis and signal processing

Learning outcomes verification and assessment criteria:

Write examn 20%, Projects/Assignments –40%; continuous assessment – 40%.

Recommended reading:

• National Instruments, LabVIEW Tutorial Manual, LabVIEW User Manual vol. I, II, LabVIEW Data Acquisition Manual
• Jeffrey Travis, Internet Applications in LabVIEW, Prentice-Hall670 pp. Paper. ISBN 0-13- 014144
• National Instruments Corp – LabVIEW Core 1 Course Manual, Part Number 325290A-01, October 2009 Edition
• National Instruments Corp – LabVIEW Core 2 Course Manual, Part Number 325292A-01, October 2009 Edition