Public acquisitions

Course Code: API 16.1 • Study year: I • Academic Year: 2025-2026
Domain: Administrative Sciences • Field of study: Public Administration
Type of course: Elective (1 of 2)
Language of instruction: Romanian
Erasmus Language of instruction: English
Name of lecturer: Manole-Decebal Bogdan
Seminar tutor: Manole-Decebal Bogdan
Form of education Full-time
Form of instruction: Class
Number of teaching hours per semester: 42
Number of teaching hours per week: 2
Semester: Summer
Form of receiving a credit for a course: Grade
Number of ECTS credits allocated 3

Course aims:

Gaining knowledge about the public procurement system;
Knowledge of the rules for participation in the public auction and the ways to contest the auction;
Rules on the preparation of the Public Participation Documentation

Course Entry Requirements:

Administrative Law, Management, Economy

Course contents:

1. Introductory Course: The role and importance of public procurement;

2. Award procedure - Planning and Scheduling;

3. Elaboration of the public tender documentation;

4. Electronic procurement systems versus conventional systems;

5. Annual public procurement program;

6. Electronic Procurement System (S.E.A.P.);

7. Public procurement by direct entrustment or by auction;

8. Special public procurement situations: Sectoral Contracts, Concession;

9. Award procedures: open tender; restricted auction; dialogue;

10. Publication of the announcement, preparation of the file according to the specifications;

11. Bidding and awarding the contract;

12. Monitoring the tender procedure;

13. Appeal procedures and settlement of appeals;

14. Cancellation of public procurement procedures.

Teaching methods:

Lecture, conversation, exemplification.

Learning outcomes:

Clear and correct explanation of the relevant normative acts for Public Procurement;

Application of Romanian legislation, European Union legislation and other instruments of international law in public procurement procedures.

Analysis, comparison and ordering of legal / normative provisions, according to the criteria of importance and / or urgency.

Applying the knowledge needed to make a specification to a public procurement tender.



Learning outcomes verification and assessment criteria:

Written paper – interpretative essay – 80%; continuous assessment – 20%.

Recommended reading:

Gheorghe Cârstea, Monica Nedelcu, Managementul Achizițiilor publice, Academia de Studii Economice, Bucuresti, 2002, 367.
Autoritatea Natională pentru Reglementarea și Monitorizarea Achizițiilor Publice, Manual Operational pentru atribuirea contractelor de achizitie publică, Vol. I, Bucuresti, 2009, 119.
Autoritatea Natională pentru Reglementarea și Monitorizarea Achizițiilor Publice, Manual Operational pentru atribuirea contractelor de achizitie publică, Vol. II, Bucuresti, 2009, 147.