Dynamic Analysis of Structures and Earthquake Engineering

Course Code: IC4206 • Study year: III • Academic Year: 2025-2026
Domain: Civil Engineering • Field of study: Architecture and town planning
Type of course: Compulsory
Language of instruction: Romanian
Erasmus Language of instruction: English, French
Name of lecturer: Diana Maria Duma
Seminar tutor: Diana Maria Duma
Form of education Full-time
Form of instruction: Class / Seminary
Number of teaching hours per semester: 56
Number of teaching hours per week: 4
Semester: Summer
Form of receiving a credit for a course: Grade
Number of ECTS credits allocated 3

Course aims:

The main aim of this course is to offer a fundamental understanding of the structural dynamics and earthquake concepts and techniques.
To teach the behavior of structures under dynamic and earthquake actions, the general knowledge required for design and analysis.
To better understand a structure through dynamic responses such as periods, modes and spectra values.
The student will have the required expertise to be able to carry out a computer-assisted dynamics analysis.

Course Entry Requirements:

Dynamics, Structural Analysis, Matematics

Course contents:

1. Introduction to earthquake engineering 2. Single degree of freedom (SDOF) system 3. Structural response to earthquake 4. Multi degree of freedom systems 5. Methods of analysis of structure to seismic actions: time history analysis, response spectrum analysis, equivalent static force method 6. Performance based seismic design 7. Basic principles in earthquake resistant structural design 8. Analysis of non-linear structural response 9. Concrete structures behaviour under seismic loads 10. Steel structures, masonry and timber structuress under seismic loads 11. Failure mode control and earthquake resistant structural systems 12 Earthquake prevention methods through inovative systems 13 Strengthening of structures against earthquake 14. Applications: introduction to Romanian Norm P100/2006; Applications of structural dynamics to civil engineering

Teaching methods:

Theoretical classes and Applications. A group project and/or an individual project. Computer-assisted dynamics analysis

Learning outcomes:

Understanding of basic principles and importance of structural dynamics and earthquake effects on structures. Learning and appling basic methods employed for analysis and design of structures in seismic regions.

Learning outcomes verification and assessment criteria:

Written Final Exam: 60% Student performance during semester (comunication and involvement in laboratory activities and team projects): 40%

Recommended reading:

EC8, "Eurocod 8: Proiectarea structurilor pentru rezistenţă la cutremur. Partea 1: Reguli generale, acţiuni seismice şi reguli pentru clădiri"
P100-2013, P100-1/2013. "Cod de proiectare seismică - Partea I - Prevederi de proiectare pentru clădiri".
Ifrim, M., Dinamica constructiilor si ingineriei seismice, EDP, Bucuresti, 1985,