Course Code: M 214 • Study year: II • Academic Year: 2025-2026
Domain: Environmental Engineering • Field of study: Environmental Engineering
Type of course: Compulsory
Language of instruction: Romanian
Erasmus Language of instruction: English
Name of lecturer: Ildiko Camelia Tulbure
Seminar tutor: Ildiko Camelia Tulbure
Form of education Full-time
Form of instruction: Lecture
Number of teaching hours per semester: 42
Number of teaching hours per week: 3
Semester: Summer
Form of receiving a credit for a course: Grade
Number of ECTS credits allocated 4

Course aims:

 Delivering theoretical and methodological basic notions related to thermodynamic systems used for shaping heat transfer in different situations;
 Students customisation to the specific terminology used in Thermodynamics;
 Presenting general calculation methods of processes related to heat transfer in pipe flows and in plane flows;
 Presenting some thermodynamic systems used in environmental engineering;
 Understanding the usage way of thermodynamic systems for heat transfer;

Course Entry Requirements:

Physics, Mathematics, Fluid Mechanics

Course contents:

 Introduction, goals and objectives of this course;  Thermodynamic states and processes, thermodynamic state parameters;  Thermodynamic systems;  Real gas, perfect gas;  First law of thermodynamics;  Perfect gas state transformation;  Second law of thermodynamics;  Exergy and anergy. Entropy. Entropy law. Entropic charts;  Fuels combustion;  Steams and humid air;  Cyclic processes. Carnot cycle. Motor cycle. Generator cycle. Examples of theoretical thermodynamic cycles and their materialisation;  Mass transfer. Examples;  Heat transfer. Examples;  Conclusions and applications in modelling of environmental pollution and in environmental engineering

Teaching methods:

Giving lectures, presenting real case studies, explaining industrial processes based on heat transfer, conversation, exemplification, applying hands-on methods

Learning outcomes:

 usage of basic thermodynamic notions in solving environmental pollution problems;  gaining basic notions for further analysing and designing thermodynamic processes;  good expertise retrieval and systematic knowledge on the basis of deeper insights within the study of environmental pollution and protection subjects.  basic notions for approaching environmentally friendly technologies (with small environmental impact)  Notions needed for analysis and assessment of whole life-cycles of different products with the goal of mitigating environmental impacts

Learning outcomes verification and assessment criteria:

Oral examination – 60%; continuous assessment by preparing reports and delivering results of practical work in the laboratory – 20%; implication in solving problems during seminars – 20 %

Recommended reading:

• Tulbure, I., 2021: Thermodynamics - lecture slides, UAB.
• Ionel, I., 2003: Introducere în termotehnică, curs pe suport CD şi în web, Ed. Politehnica, Timişoara.
• Jădăneanţ, M., Ionel, I. ş.a.,2001: Termotehnică şi maşini termice în experimente, Ed. Politehnica, Timişoara
• Popa, B., Mercea, V., 1982: Termotehnică, Editura Tehnica, Bucuresti
• Jischa, M., F., 1982: Konvektiver Impuls-, Wärme- und Stoffaustausch (Schimb convectiv de impuls, caldura si materie). Editura Vieweg, Wiesbaden