Methodology of Scientific Research in the Field of Religious Studies. Ethics and Academic Integrity

Course Code: MED 107 • Study year: I • Academic Year: 2025-2026
Domain: Theology - Masters • Field of study: Intercultural and interreligious mediation
Type of course: Compulsory
Language of instruction: Romanian
Erasmus Language of instruction: English
Name of lecturer: Razvan Brudiu
Seminar tutor: Razvan Brudiu
Form of education Full-time
Form of instruction: Class
Number of teaching hours per semester: 28
Number of teaching hours per week: 2
Semester: Autumn
Form of receiving a credit for a course: Grade
Number of ECTS credits allocated 8

Course aims:

The correct choice and application of methods and techniques learned during the courses
The ability of students to analyze, process and interpret the information that has been received
The identification of the conclusions and the suggestion of decisions based on the methodological research that has been made

Course Entry Requirements:


Course contents:

1. Books. Defining book elements; 2. Periodicals. The defining elements of periodicals; 3. Types of scientific papers: seminar paper; dissertation; 4. The stages of elaboration of the dissertation: the choice of the subject, the delimitation of the topic and the elaboration of the work plan; 5. The stages of elaboration of the dissertation: bibliographic information; 6. The stages of elaboration of the dissertation: assembling and selecting the material; 7. The stages of elaborating the dissertation: writing the worksheets; 8. The stages of elaboration of the dissertation: explanatory notes and bibliographic references; 9. The stages of elaborating the dissertation: writing the bibliography and the list of abbreviations; 10. Establishing and modifying the appearance of a document; 11. Formatting pages; 12. Insertion of graphic signs and punctuation marks; 13. Rules on the division of words into syllables; 14. Final considerations. Feedback.

Teaching methods:

Lecture, exemplification, conversation, debate, PowerPoint presentation, video-projections.

Learning outcomes:

What is wanted is a description of the methodology and the main norms and principles according to which the final dissertation paper must be written. Master's degree students must acquire the ability to carry out independent documentation-research work and to generate analysis and conclusions with an original character.

Learning outcomes verification and assessment criteria:

Written paper-interpretative essay – 40%. Frontal evaluation / Oral exam: 60%

Recommended reading:

Daniel Benga, Metodologia studiului și cercetării științifice, Sophia Publishing House, București, 2003, x.
Nicolae Gherghel, Cum să scriem un articol științific, Editura Științifică, București, 1996, x.
Magdalena Vulpe, Ghidul cercetătorului umanist. Introducere în cercetarea și redactarea științifică, Clusium Publishing House, Cluj-Napoca, 2002, X.
Diana Câmpan, Introducere în cercetarea științifică, Reîntregirea Publishing House, Alba Iulia, 2009, X.
Ilie Pîrvu, Introducere în epistemologie, Polirom Publishing House, Iași, 1998, X.