Use of specialized software in Sports Science and Physical Education

Course Code: KMS III 14.1 • Study year: III • Academic Year: 2025-2026
Domain: Physical Health and Rehabilitation • Field of study: Kinetotheraphy and special Motricity
Type of course: Elective (1 of 2)
Language of instruction: English
Erasmus Language of instruction: English
Name of lecturer: Angel - Alex Haisan
Seminar tutor: Angel - Alex Haisan
Form of education Full-time
Form of instruction: Class / Seminary
Number of teaching hours per semester: 3
Number of teaching hours per week: 42
Semester: Summer
Form of receiving a credit for a course: Grade
Number of ECTS credits allocated 4

Course aims:

To accumulate theoretical and practical notions that define the discipline
To develop the capacity to assimilate the theoretical and practical knowledge necessary to be able to operate with the targeted computer programs
To be able to carry out teaching and research activities in optimal conditions

Course Entry Requirements:

Not applicable

Course contents:

1. Microsoft Windows operating system; 2. Use of dedicated email programs (gmail, yahoo mail, hotmail); 3. Use of dedicated programs for internet browsing (Edge, Firefox, Opera and Chrome); 4. Photo editing with Microsoft Paint and Snip & Sketch; 3. Video editing with Microsoft Movie Creator; 6. Adobe Acrobat; 7. Microsoft Office Suite – Word; 8. Microsoft Office Suite – Excel; 9. Microsoft Office suite - Power Point; 10. Microsoft Office Suite - Access; 11. Microsoft Office Suite – Publisher; 12. Microsoft Office suite - One Drive; 13. Kinovea: video analysis software; 14. Evaluation

Teaching methods:

Practical course, video exemplifications, discussions

Learning outcomes:

Students, during this practical course, will lear how to use the PC, to search for information in the online environment, capture & edit photos and videos, centralize & process data, disseminate their work. 

Learning outcomes verification and assessment criteria:

Seminar / laboratory - Final evaluation of Portfolio with the files created within the seminars - 100%

Recommended reading:

Joyce Cox, Joan Lambert III, and Curtis Frye D, Microsoft Office Home & Student 2010 Step by Step, Microsoft, -, 2010, -.
David Pogue, Windows 10 May 2019 Update: The Missing Manual: The Book That Should Have Been in the Box, O'Reilly Media, -, 2019, -.
Ian Lamont, Google Drive & Docs in 30 Minutes (2nd Edition): The unofficial guide to the new Google Drive, Docs, Sheets & Slides, In 30 Minutes Guides, -, 2015, -.