Course Code: RE314 • Study year: III • Academic Year: 2025-2026
Domain: Language and literature • Field of study: Romanian Language and Literature - English Language and Literature
Type of course: Compulsory
Language of instruction: Romanian
Erasmus Language of instruction: English
Name of lecturer: Maria Georgeta Orian
Seminar tutor: Maria Georgeta Orian
Form of education Full-time
Form of instruction: Class / Seminary
Number of teaching hours per semester: 42
Number of teaching hours per week: 3
Semester: Autumn
Form of receiving a credit for a course: Grade
Number of ECTS credits allocated 4

Course aims:

Knowing, understanding and a correct using of fundamental ideas concerning concepts specific to the History of the Romanian Literature and Civilisation in the totalitarian regime during 1945-1989
Integration in a coherent structure of main theorizations and value landmarks recognised in the History of the Romanian Literature and Civilisation as well as in connected domains.

Course Entry Requirements:

History of the Romanian Literature and Civilisation (the Beginning-1870) History of the Romanian Literature and Civilisation (1870-1890) History of the Romanian Literature and Civilisation (1890-1920)

Course contents:

The general framework of the epoch: historical and political landmarks; literary life during the war and in the first post war years; conceptual standing: proletcultism, socialist realism, „wooden language”; press and education. The 50’s in literature: A. E. Baconsky and his evolution; Nicolae Labiş. Extension of activity of some interwar figures. The Literary Cercle of Sibiu and its effects after 1960 (Radu Stanca, Şt. Aug. Doinaş, I. Negoiţescu, I. D. Sârbu, N. Balotă, Cornel Regman, Eugen Todoran, Radu Enescu, Ovidiu Cotruş). ”Ideological thaw”: the Generation of the 60’s. Nichita Stănescu – originality of his poetry. Marin Preda – A Great Moment in the Postwar Romanian Literature. Vasile Voiculescu: Postwar Poetry and Prose. Important names in the postwar prose: Nicolae Breban, Augustin Buzura, Ştefan Bănulescu, Constantin Ţoiu, Sorin Titel, George Bălăiţă. Marin Sorescu: poetry, prose, drama, critical essay. Romanian Literary Exile after World War II: general view. Literary criticism in the postwar period: G. Călinescu, Tudor Vianu, Perpessicius, E. Simion, N. Manolescu. Other important figures of criticism. What remains from the communist period in the literary histories? Critical syntheses: fundamental aspects of the contemporary Romanian literature during 1945-1989.

Teaching methods:

Power Point LectureProblem raising and Learning by discoveryConversation and text commentary; exemplification.

Learning outcomes:

Interpretation and critical evaluation of the History of the Romanian Literature and Civilisation in Communism in different contexts Presenting a professional viewpoint on the literary phenomenon starting from the positions expressed in the specialised critical bibliography.

Learning outcomes verification and assessment criteria:

Conversation; Free exposition; Applications, essay writing, portfolio, project – 50%Written paper, quiz, test - 50%

Recommended reading:

Nicolae MANOLESCU, Istoria critică a literaturii române, Paralela 45, Piteşti,, 2008,
Ion POP (coordonator), Dicţionar analitic de opere literare româneşti, vol. I,vol. II-III-IV, E.D.P., Casa Cărţii de Ştiinţă, Cluj-Napoca, Bucureşti,, 1998,1999- 2003,
Alex Ştefănescu, Istoria literaturii române contemporane 1941-2000, Editura Maşina de scris, Bucureşti, 2005,
Ion Bogdan Lefter, Romanian fiction of the '80s and '90s: a concise anthology, Paralela 45, Piteşti, 1999,
Monica Spiridon, Ion Bogdan Lefter, Gheorghe Crăciun, Experiment in post-war Romanian literature, Editura Paralela 45, Piteşti, 1999,