Electronic microdrives

Course Code: SEIA 105_1 • Study year: I • Academic Year: 2025-2026
Domain: Electronic engineering, telecommunication and information technologies - Masters • Field of study: Advanced intelligent electronic systems
Type of course: Elective (1 of 2)
Language of instruction: English
Erasmus Language of instruction: English
Name of lecturer: Adrian Alexandru Tulbure
Seminar tutor: Bogdan Croitoru
Form of education Full-time
Form of instruction: Class
Number of teaching hours per semester: 56
Number of teaching hours per week: 4
Semester: Autumn
Form of receiving a credit for a course: Grade
Number of ECTS credits allocated 6

Course aims:

Objectives of the course refers to the technical knowledge concerning the configuring, commissioning and operation of modern drive systems with small and medium power.
The course focuses especially on the adjustable drives from the technological side in a modern plant.
Familiarity with the execution elements: electrohydraulic, electropneumatic, servomec.
Sizing and configuration of modern energy supply systems
Troubleshooting the kinematic chain: network-converter-motor-execution element as well as the feedback loop with built-in regulator.

Course Entry Requirements:

Programming the numerical automatic systems and integrated electronic systems

Course contents:

• I. Advanced drive systems - 4:00h (structures and concepts, Technical data, information and energy, Control loops). • II. Electric micromotors - 4:00h (Electrical DC and AC single phase Machines; Brushed and brushless Motors; Hydraulic and pneumatic actuators) • III. Structure of advanced drive - 4h (Components of the control scheme; Components of signaling and protection scheme, Components of the power scheme; Diagnosis and repair of critical driving system) • IV. Common types of engines -4h (synchronous and asynchronous Motors; Linear motors and high torque motors; Compact high speed asynchronous / synchronous engines; Integrated brushless motors and gears) • V. Compact Electrical Drives– 4h (Technical and functional characteristics; Environment configuration and design; Aspects of safety and reliability in operation) • VI. Programming environment of flexible electrical drives - 4h (IndraWork - tool for design, programming and commissioning; Interfaces for the development of other industrial applications) • VII. Industry specific standard concerning the modern drives – 4h (Flexible interface Open Core; Modern drive testing; Specific technical prescriptions)

Teaching methods:

Technical presentation and meeting with experimental exemplification.

Learning outcomes:

- understand electrical drives issues in international terminology; - know advanced topologies for linear and rotary drive; - know the modern concepts for modeling and simulation; - configure and debug advanced electric smart drive.

Learning outcomes verification and assessment criteria:

theoretical – 60%; experimental – 40%.

Recommended reading:

L. Ciobanu, • probleme de actionari electrice., MatrixRom, Buc., 2012, xx.
C. Ghita, • Masini electrice. Ed.Matrixrom 2012., Matrixrom, Buc., 2012, yy.
Ghe. Andronescu, • Comenzi numerice in actionari electrice, Matrixrom, Buc, 2011, 300.
C. Ilas, V. Bostan, • Utilizarea procesoarelor DSP in comanda numerica a motoarelor asincrone, Ed. Matrixrom, Buc, 2014,
R. Beloiu, • Actionari electrice cu logica cablata. Pornirea motoarelor asincrone trifazate,, UPBuc, Buc., 2010,