Computer systems in terrestrial measurements

Course Code: IG 4206 • Study year: IV • Academic Year: 2025-2026
Domain: Geodetic engineering • Field of study: Earth and cadastral measurements
Type of course: Compulsory
Language of instruction: English
Erasmus Language of instruction: English
Name of lecturer: Luciana Oprea
Seminar tutor: George Emanuel Voicu
Form of education Full-time
Form of instruction: Class
Number of teaching hours per semester: 84
Number of teaching hours per week: 6
Semester: Summer
Form of receiving a credit for a course: Grade
Number of ECTS credits allocated 6

Course aims:

The program envisages the implementation of a routine regarding the use of the E-Terra program modules developed by A.N.C.P.I., considering the legislative dynamics in the field of geodesy.
Specific objectives - use of computer applications specific to public institutions in the field
In order to cover all the topics, it was decided to apply works with complementary themes in order to deepen the topics covered during the course.

Course Entry Requirements:


Course contents:

1. Introduction to geoinformatics. The topographic fund record; 2. Records systems of the topographic and cadastral fund in international context; 3. Organization of the cadastral activity in Romania; 4. Land legislation; 5. Systems of legal records of buildings in Romania; 6. Carrying out cadastral works; 7. Organization of cadastral and real estate advertising services; 8. Data storage techniques in databases; 9. Creation of the cadastral database - the "Property Body" program; 10. E-Terra Program; 11. The information system of management of the Land Books; 12. Methods of carrying out the geodesic activity.

Teaching methods:

Instruction is a combination of lectures, conversation and theoretical and practical examples

Learning outcomes:

C6. Making cadastre information systems and specialized fields, and their use for real estate advertising works and the property valuation.

Learning outcomes verification and assessment criteria:

Exam at least 2 test subjects - oral / written examination and Partial test (67% of the final grade)Test of the lab - practical (33% of the final grade)

Recommended reading:

1. Drăgoi, A., Elemente de drept civil, drept funciar şi publicitate imobiliară, Editura Aeternitas, Alba Iulia, 2006, -.
2. L. Oprea, Geoinformatică, Biblioteca Universităţii „1 Decembrie 1918, Alba Iulia, 2019, -.
3. Pădure, I., Tudoraşcu, M.; Oprea, L., Cadastru funciar, Seria Didactica, Universitatea „1 Decembrie 1918”, -, Alba-Iulia, 2005, -.
4. A.N.C.P.I., – e-Terra – suport tehnic, -, -, -,