Fundamentals of Electrotechnics

Course Code: M305 • Study year: III • Academic Year: 2025-2026
Domain: Environmental Engineering • Field of study: Environmental Engineering
Type of course: Compulsory
Language of instruction: English, German
Erasmus Language of instruction: English, German
Name of lecturer: Adrian Alexandru Tulbure
Seminar tutor: Ioan Szabo
Form of education Full-time
Form of instruction: Class
Number of teaching hours per semester: 42
Number of teaching hours per week: 3
Semester: Autumn
Form of receiving a credit for a course: Grade
Number of ECTS credits allocated 4

Course aims:

. Basic knowledge transfer regarding electrical components, instruments, applications and equipment used in environmental technologies
Understanding and interpreting, as the case, the physical phenomena related to the DC / single phase electrical circuits.
Measurement principles of non-electric/environmental quantities via electric way
Use of appropriate methods of analysis to characterize environmental factors
Introducing the best research methods available in engineering projects

Course Entry Requirements:

Analysis of technological processes and mathematical analysis.

Course contents:

• I. Introduction. Phenomenology of DC circuits- 3:00h • II. Physical sizes and units of fundamental measurement and derivatives. Their interpretation - 3:00h (technical estimation and meas. units) • III. Fundamental theorems of electromagnetism. Conservation theorem of electrical charge and energy - 3h • IV. The physical basis of circuit theory. Circuits in stationary regime - 3h • V. Laws of electrical circuits with concentrated parameters. Ohm-Law, Kirchhoff x 2 – 3h • VI. Connecting the circuit elements. Serial (voltage div) and parallel (current div) connection. Bridge circuit. - 3h • VII. Measurement of current and voltage. Measuring range extension modes - 3h (in networks) • VIII. Linear dipoles. Circuits with equivalent voltage and current sources – 3h • IX. Parallel connection of the voltage sources / output power. Analysis of linear components networks. – 3h (using different working regimes) • X. Temperature sensors (PT). Thermal characteristic F = f (temp). System with two wires and compensation. Thermistors (PTC / NTC), Thermostats and thermocouples. Their applications - 3h • XI Electrical measurement of mechanical tension and force (weight). Tensometric stamp and the related measuring device – 3h • XII Absolute and differential pressure. Pressure gauge with bellows gauge, with membrane – 3h • XIII Flow measurement. Differential flowmeter, calorimetric, with suspended body, with eccentric, with turbine, with induction, with ultrasound – 3h • XIV Computer assisted measurements -3h (equipment and data acquisition systems) Final recap. and assessment topics– 3h (exam. procedures)

Teaching methods:

Technical presentation and meeting with experimental exemplification.

Learning outcomes:

C6.1. Identifying and specifying information related to the best available technologies in the field C6.2. Use of best technologies attributes for environmental projects developments C6.3. Identification and application of technical solutions in solving case problems related to environmental engineering

Learning outcomes verification and assessment criteria:

theoretical exams – 60%; experimental laboratory – 40%.

Recommended reading:

Svasta P, Componente electronice pasive - Probleme, cavallioti, Bucharest, 2010, 200.
A. Moraru, Bazele electrotehnicii. Teoria circuitelor electrice (CD), Matrixrom, Bucharest, 2008, 300.
CHICINAS, Adriana, ELECTROTEHNICA: Indrumator de lucrari., UTCN, Cluj-Napoca, 2015, 300.
S. Ciochina, Măsurări electrice şi electronice. Indrumar de laborator, UP BUc, Bucharest, 2004, x.
A.Tulbure si colab, ElectroProbleme, Aeternitas, ALBA IULIA, 2015, 220.