Statics and Stability of Buildings

Course Code: IC2203 • Study year: II • Academic Year: 2025-2026
Domain: Civil Engineering • Field of study: Architecture and town planning
Type of course: Compulsory
Language of instruction: Romanian
Erasmus Language of instruction: English
Name of lecturer: Adina Ana Muresan
Seminar tutor: Adina Ana Muresan
Form of education Full-time
Form of instruction: Lecture
Number of teaching hours per semester: 56
Number of teaching hours per week: 4
Semester: Summer
Form of receiving a credit for a course: Grade
Number of ECTS credits allocated 4

Course aims:

Understanding the correct configuration of a structure.
Applying the equilibrium conditions for structures.
The analysis of the state of stress for statically determinate structures.
Understanding and anticipation of transmission of the exterior loads from the structure to the foundations.
Drawing the influence lines for mobile loads. Determining the maximum stresses from mobile loads. Calculation of point displacements in statically determined structures. Drawing the elastic deformed configuration of a structure.

Course Entry Requirements:

Advanced Mathematics, Mechanics, Strenght of Materials 1

Course contents:

1. Introduction in Statics of Buildings. Fundamental hypotheses applied in static analysis. 2. Beams and Gerber beams. 3. Frames. Diagrams on frames. 4. Frames. The symmetry of structures. 5. Arches. 6. Trusses. Simplifying hypotheses. Methods of analysis. 7. The analysis of plane hinged structures. 8. The calculation of stresses using the Principle of Virtual Work. 9. Influence lines for Gerber beams and frames. 10. Influence lines for arches and trusses. 11. Calculation of maximum stresses from mobile loads. 12. Calculation of the maximum moment and maximum maximorum moment for the simply supported beam. 13. Elastic deformations. Calculation of point displacements for beams and frames. 14. Elastic deformations. Calculation of point displacements for arches and trusses.

Teaching methods:

Lecture, discussions, case studies, practical applications.

Learning outcomes:

Drawing diagrams on beams, Gerber beams, arches and frames. Drawing influence lines on beams, Gerber beams, arches, frames and trusses. Using the Principle of Virtual Work to determine stresses. Determining point displacements for beams, frames, arches and trusses.

Learning outcomes verification and assessment criteria:

Written examination: 40% of the final grade; Practical assignments during the semester: 60% of the final grade.

Recommended reading:

Al. Cătărig, Statica construcțiilor: structuri static determinate, Editura U.T. Press, Cluj-Napoca, 2011,
V. Bănuț, Statica construcțiilor. Aplicații. Structuri static determinate, Editura Matrix Rom, Bucuresti, 2003,
Nicolae Chira, Statica construcțiilor. Structuri static determinate. Îndrumător pentru lucrări, Editura U.T. Press, Cluj-Napoca, 2014,