Strategic planning

Course Code: AP II 1 • Study year: II • Academic Year: 2025-2026
Domain: Administrative Sciences • Field of study: Public Administration
Type of course: Compulsory
Language of instruction: English
Erasmus Language of instruction: English
Name of lecturer: Manole-Decebal Bogdan
Seminar tutor: Manole-Decebal Bogdan
Form of education Full-time
Form of instruction: Class
Number of teaching hours per semester: 58
Number of teaching hours per week: 2
Semester: Autumn
Form of receiving a credit for a course: Grade
Number of ECTS credits allocated 5

Course aims:

Acquisition of skills in strategic planning in public institutions.
Accommodating students the elements of strategic planning in the context of public administration objectives for the development of society;
Training in managerial and entrepreneurial skills in strategic planning.

Course Entry Requirements:

Public finances, Ethics and deontology in public administration, Public policies, The science of administration

Course contents:

Course 1 - Familiarizing students with the topics and requirements of the course. Presentation of materials and methods to be used during the semester, syllabus, assessment methods. Course 2 - Management in the public sector - general aspects. Public sector, private sector and the interdependencies between them. Course 3 - Strategic approach through planning in public administration Course 4 - Strategic Planning vs. operational planning. Defining strategy and planning in public organizations Course 5 - Strategic planning process - Stages of concept, design, financing and execution phases. Course 6 - Analysis of the social, political, geopolitical, organizational environment and identification of strategic issues in Local Public Administration. Course 7 - The social / management / budget programming component in the strategic planning of the public sector. Course 8 - The role and influence of the central state public administration in the strategic planning of the local administration. (Budget / EU funding) Course 9 - The role and influence of the Councils (county / local / MB) as a political factor in the strategic planning for the development of the regional and local public sector. Course 10 - National Strategic Planning and European and International Strategic Interdependencies Course 11- Case study - National public strategies in relation to the strategies of the European Union (European Green Agreement - Green Deal) Course 12 - Case study - National public strategies in the context of the existence of large gas and oil resources in the submarine plateau of the Black Sea. Course 13 - Strategic planning between economic development and sustainable development Course 14 Final project presentation and evaluation - Strategic plan for a public or non-profit organization

Teaching methods:

Lecture, conversation, exemplification.

Learning outcomes:

The use of the concepts and fundamental principles of organization and functioning of the administrative structures for the professional insertion in public and / or private institutions; Identification and application of legal provisions regarding the administrative system, including initiating and formulating proposals for normative and / or administrative acts; Application of strategic tools for institutional development. Identification, analization and resolving the problems in public administration in a cooperative, flexible and efficient way.

Learning outcomes verification and assessment criteria:

Examination consisting of 3 questions that are answered for each topic with "Very good".

Recommended reading:

Bogdan Manole Decebal, Planificare strategica in administratia publica, PDF Course, Alba Iulia, 2021, 124.
Corneliu Rusu, Management Strategic, All Beck, Bucuresti, 2000, 300.
Tantau A., Management Strategic. De la Teorie la Practica, CH Beck, Bucuresti, 2011, 285.