Course Code: MI107.1 • Study year: I • Academic Year: 2025-2026
Domain: Computer Science - Masters • Field of study: Advanced programming and databases
Type of course: Compulsory
Language of instruction: Romanian
Erasmus Language of instruction: English
Name of lecturer: Manuella Kadar
Seminar tutor: Manuella Kadar
Form of education Full-time
Form of instruction: Class
Number of teaching hours per semester: 42
Number of teaching hours per week: 3
Semester: Summer
Form of receiving a credit for a course: Grade
Number of ECTS credits allocated 6

Course aims:

The Multimedia Techniques and Technologies course presents scientific and technical principles of media capture and computer representation.
-Data compression is discussed taking into consideration novel ways of data representation in order to take very little storage, with the possibility of reconstruction of the original data from the compressed version.
- It is focused on methods of operation and application of computer software and systems that enable delivery of multimedia productions and also contains descriptions and examples of methods used for compression of symbolic data, as well as audio, image and video data.
-The use of computer and mathematical models and tools to solve specific problems in the application field.
The development of software components of interdisciplinary projects.

Course Entry Requirements:


Course contents:

Course (learning units) 1. Introduction to multimedia technology 2. Color model and human vision. Color spaces 3. Data compression. Compression techniques and algorithms 4. Multimedia data compression standards 5. Image and sound 6. Video frames. Video frames digitization and compression 7. Audio data representation and processing. Audio compression 8. Semantic annotation of images 9. Video segmentation 10. Multimedia society - where are we going? Seminars-laboratories 1. Introduction to MATLAB programming environment 2. MATLAB functions 3. MATLAB arrays 4. MATLAB graphics 5. Image processing using MATLAB 6. Image compression using MATLAB 7. The design and implementation of image compression techniques using MATLAB 8. The design and implementation of audio compression techniques using MATLAB 9. The design and implementation of video compression techniques using MATLAB 10. Project presentation and evaluation.TEACHING METHODS:

Teaching methods:

Lecture, conversation, exemplification

Learning outcomes:

Professional competences C2. Development and maintenance of computer applications C2.4. Use of appropriate criteria and methods for the evaluation of computer applications. C2.5. Development of dedicated computer projects. C3. Use of computer tools in an interdisciplinary context C3.1. Development of software components components of interdisciplinary projects. Transversal competences CT3. Use of efficient methods and techniques for learning, scientific inquiry and development of the capacities of using knowledge, of adapting to a dynamic society and of communication in English.

Learning outcomes verification and assessment criteria:

A two-hour written examination (60% of the final grade)Laboratory activities portfolio (40% of the final grade)

Recommended reading:

VAUGHAN, Tay,, • Multimedia: making it work, 7th ed., : 2008, 0-07-226451-9, 978-0-07-226451-7., McGraw-Hill, New York, San Francisco, Chicago, 2008, 650.
WEIXEL, Suzanne, FULTON, Jennifer, BARKSDALE, Karl, MORSE, Cheryl, MORSE, Bryan, • Multimedia basics, . : Course Technology, 2004, ISBN 0-619-05533-2, 978-0-619-05533-2, Boston, Mass, Boston, Mass, 2004, 250.
STEINMETZ, Ralf,, • Multimedia applications, Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer, 2004, ISBN 3-540-40849-5, 978-3-540-40849-9., Springer:, Berlin, 2004, 450.
CHOU, Philip A, SCHAAR, Mihaela van der,, • Multimedia over IP and wireless networks: compression, networking, and systems, Burlington, MA : Academic Press, 2007, ISBN 0-12-088480-1, 979-0-12-088480-3., Academic Press,, Burlington, MA, 2007, 250.
OHM, Jens-Raine,, • Multimedia communication technology: representation, transmission and identification of multimedia signals, Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer : Springer, 2004, ISBN 3-540-01249-4, 978-3-540-01249-8., Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2004, 520.