Theoretical fundaments of evaluation in psychology

Course Code: TO 102 • Study year: I • Academic Year: 2025-2026
Domain: Psychology • Field of study: Occupational Therapy
Type of course: Compulsory
Language of instruction: Romanian
Erasmus Language of instruction: English
Name of lecturer: Ramona Stefana Petrovan
Seminar tutor: Ramona Stefana Petrovan
Form of education Full-time
Form of instruction: Class
Number of teaching hours per semester: 56
Number of teaching hours per week: 4
Semester: Autumn
Form of receiving a credit for a course: Grade
Number of ECTS credits allocated 5

Course aims:

• correctly use the specific terminology for the methodology of the psychological evaluation in various contexts
• identify the problems requiring psychological intervention and occupational therapy, using specific methods of psychological evaluation
• select and apply specific evaluation methods for each age category
• elaborate and validate instruments for psychological evaluation
• elaborate a report of psychological evaluation respecting the methodology

Course Entry Requirements:

The general aim of the discipline is obtaining the abilities related to the methods of psychological evaluation for the occupational therapy.

Course contents:

1. The conceptual frame of psychological evaluation: key-concepts – the psychological exam as psychologic instrument, the observation in the psychological exam, the behaviour of the specialist, the decisional process in the psychological evaluation. 2. Methods for the psychological evaluation: the method of analysing the activity outcomes; the method of the psychological inquiry 3. Methods for the psychological evaluation: the method of observation 4. Methods for the psychological evaluation: the interview as qualitative method for the psychological evaluation 5. Methods for the psychological evaluation: the psychological test - description; psychometric characteristic for this type of tests 6. Methods for the psychological evaluation: the psychological test – conceptual and methodological aspects in the elaboration of the psychological tests 7. The psychological test – adapting the psychological tests for Romanians 8. Fields for the use of the psychological tests: - the evaluation of the scholar maturity; the evaluation of the progress during the learning process; the evaluation of the learning capacity; the evaluation of children with special needs 9. Fields for the use of the psychological tests: clinical psychology – the evaluation of intelligence; the psycho-pathological evaluation 10 Fields for the use of the psychological tests: psychologic counselling - scholar and professional orientation; the evaluation of the abilities; the evaluation of the relational/ social behaviour 11. Fields for the use of the psychological tests: The industrial/ organisational psychology – the evaluation of the managerial potential; the evaluation of the cognitive and psychomotor capacity 12 The aim of the psychological evaluation: the psychological report; psychological report versus research report 13 Protocol analyses

Teaching methods:

Conversation, exemplification, case study, questioning, brainstorming, debate

Learning outcomes:

1. Practical use of the methods for psychological observation: the method of analysing the activity outcomes; the method of psychological inquiry; the method of observation; the interview; 50% 2. The elaboration of an evaluation report. Highlighting the differences between a report of psychological evaluation and a research report in psychology 50%

Learning outcomes verification and assessment criteria:

1. Practical use of the methods for psychological observation: the method of analysing the activity outcomes; the method of psychological inquiry; the method of observation; the interview; 50%2. The elaboration of an evaluation report. Highlighti

Recommended reading:

20. Murphy,K & Davidshofer, C. O., Psychological testing: Priciples and applications (3rd ed)., Englewood Cliffs,, NJ: Pretince Hall., 1994, 1-40.
Mitrofan, N., Testarea psihologică. Aspecte teoretice şi aplicative., Editura Polirom., Iași, 2009, 1-50.
Mitrofan, N, Testarea psihologică a copilului mic, Ed. Mihaela Press., București, 1997, 1-80.
Parrot, F., Richelle, M, Introducere în psihologie. Istoric şi metode, Ed. Humanitas, București, 2006, 1-70.
Susan, E., Item response theory for Psychologists, Lawrence Erlbaum Associates Inc., Mahwah, New Jersey, London., 2000, 1-50.