Course Code: TI 213 • Study year: II • Academic Year: 2025-2026
Domain: Applied Modern Languages • Field of study: Translation and interpretation
Type of course: Compulsory
Language of instruction: English
Erasmus Language of instruction: English
Name of lecturer: Maria Crina Herțeg
Seminar tutor: Adina Botas
Form of education Full-time
Form of instruction: Class
Number of teaching hours per semester: 42
Number of teaching hours per week: 3
Semester: Autumn
Form of receiving a credit for a course: Grade
Number of ECTS credits allocated 4

Course aims:

Effective written and spoken communication in English , at C2 level-producing texts peculiar to scientific communication in the academic environment(essays, reviews, presentations, projects, dissertation theses, translations, etc.)
Description of the phonetic, lexical and grammatical system of the English language in its diachronic evolution and in its synchronic varieties.

Course Entry Requirements:

Practical courses. Contemporary English. Morphology I

Course contents:

The English Verb 1. Introductory course 2. The English Verb.Classification. 3. Types of Verbs. The Function of the Verb Form 4. The Conjugation of the English Verb 5. Anomalous Finite Verbs 6 Difficult Irregular Verbs 7. Verbal Forms: Aspect, Tense, Mood and Voice 8. Verbal Tenses 9. Mood. Direct and Indirect Moods 10. Voice. Usage of the Passive and the active voice 11. Modal Verbs 12. Non-Finite Verbal Forms .The Infinitive,the Gerund and the Participle 13. The Adverb. 14.The Preposition and the Conjunction

Teaching methods:

Lecture, Conversation, Cooperative learning, Discussion and survey, Team-based learning, Active learning systems, Active listening, Exercise solving.

Learning outcomes:

Description of the phonetic, lexical and grammatical system of the English language in its diachronic evolution and in its synchronic varieties. Description of linguistic theories and concepts, methods with a high degree of complexity, peculiar to the study of languages. Applying certain principles ,basic rules for understanding an oral or written text ,for communicating in an appropriate manner taking into account all the elements involved (linguistic,socio-linguistic,pragmatic,semantic,stylistic).

Learning outcomes verification and assessment criteria:

Oral examination – theory and practice 60%; continuous assessment – 20%;exercise –book including extra grammar work-20% .

Recommended reading:

Alexander L.G., Longman Advanced Grammar, Longman, -, -, -.
Budai L., Engish Grammar, Nemzeti Tankonyvkiado Reszvenytarsasag, Budapest, 1994, -.
Close, R.A, Workbook (to A University Grammar of English), Longman, Longman, 1974, -.
Gethin, Hugh, Grammar in Context, Longman, London, 1992, -.
Graver, B.D, Advanced English Practice, OUP, Oxford, 1986, -.