English for Specific Purposes

Course Code: TIE 129 1 • Study year: I • Academic Year: 2025-2026
Domain: Applied Modern Languages • Field of study: Translation and interpretation
Type of course: Elective (1 of 2)
Language of instruction: English
Erasmus Language of instruction: English
Name of lecturer: Maria Crina Herțeg
Seminar tutor: Maria Crina Herțeg
Form of education Full-time
Form of instruction: Class
Number of teaching hours per semester: 28
Number of teaching hours per week: 2
Semester: Summer
Form of receiving a credit for a course: Grade
Number of ECTS credits allocated 3

Course aims:

1. to empower students with the capacity of analysing and identifying different types of specialized texts
2. to be able to deliver oral and written presentations using specialized lexical units
3. to be able to use specialized vocabulary adequately

Course Entry Requirements:


Course contents:

1.What is ESP? The origins of ESP 2.Context, discourse domains and task characteristics 3.English for business purposes EBP 4.English for management and finances purposes 5.English for marketing and advertising 6.English for Human Resources 7. English for accounting 8.English for medical purposes EMP 9.English for legal purposes 10.English for computer science 11.English for science and technology purposes 12.English for science and technology purposes 13.English for professional purposes 14.General English /vs/ EPS

Teaching methods:

DebatePowerpoint presentations

Learning outcomes:

Students are able to make the lexical and linguistic analysis of a specialized text. Students are able to use specialised discourse adequately.

Learning outcomes verification and assessment criteria:

50 % Written assessment50% Portfolio

Recommended reading:

Bhatia, V., Sanchez Hernandez, P., & Perez-Paderes, P., Researching specialised languages., John Benjamins, Amsterdam:, 2011,
Paltridge, B., & Starfield, S., Handbook of English for specific purposes., Wiley-Blackwell., 2013,
Fuertes-Olivera, P., Systematic introductions in specialised dictionaries. Some proposals in relation to accounting dictionaries. Lexicography in the 21st century, pp. 161-178.
Herțeg, C., English for specific purposes., Didactica, ALBA IULIA, 2019,