Meteorology and climatology

Course Code: M304 • Study year: III • Academic Year: 2025-2026
Domain: Environmental Engineering • Field of study: Environmental Engineering
Type of course: Compulsory
Language of instruction: Romanian
Erasmus Language of instruction: English
Name of lecturer: Levente Dimén
Seminar tutor: Levente Dimén
Form of education Full-time
Form of instruction: Lecture
Number of teaching hours per semester: 28
Number of teaching hours per week: 2
Semester: Summer
Form of receiving a credit for a course: Grade
Number of ECTS credits allocated 4

Course aims:

Knowledge of the laws that govern processes and phenomena atmospheric conditions, as well as their regime and distribution; acquisition
climate classification criteria and elements of differentiation at global, regional and local level;
developing the spirit of observation through interpretation atmospheric phenomena.

Course Entry Requirements:


Course contents:

Introduction to meteorology. The object and importance of meteorology
 Atmosphere: origin, limits, shape, mass, density, composition,
pollution, structure.
Energy of processes in the atmosphere: energy sources; flows of
radiant energy passing through the atmosphere; the processes in which it is consumed
heat resulting from the radiative balance; radiative caloric balance.
Water in the atmosphere: water evaporation; air humidity; condensation
vapors; atmospheric precipitation. Movement in the atmosphere: pressure
atmospheric; forces acting on the air and the resultant
the wind
Adiabatic transformation processes. Transformation Stefan
. Basic problems of synoptic meteorology: air masses;
atmospheric fronts; cyclones and anticyclones; weather forecast.
Genetic factors of radiative, physico-geographical, dynamic climate,
anthropic. Geographical distribution of climate characteristics.
Climate classification. Climate change. Resources and restrictions
Microclimate of relief microforms, small water basins, a
coasts, vegetation
grass, snow cover and enclosed spaces
 The concept of climate risk. Atmospheric risk phenomena with
rapid onset and regional expansion (tropical cyclones)
 Aspects of climatic weather forecast

Teaching methods:

lectures and field trip

Learning outcomes:

Explaining the mechanisms, processes and effects of anthropogenic origin or which causes and influences environmental pollution
Defining the fundamental concepts necessary for the application of theories and environmental scientific methodology.
  Use of basic scientific knowledge in defining and explaining specific concepts of engineering and environmental protection

Learning outcomes verification and assessment criteria:

written essay

Recommended reading:

V.,, Meteorologie şi Climatologie, Editura Universitară, Bucuresti, 2004, 150.
Tiscovschi, A., Diaconu, C, Meteorologie şi hidrologie – lucrări practice, Ed Unibersitara Bucuresti, Bucuresti, 2004, 180.
Farcas I, Structura si dinamica atmosferei, lit. Universitatea „Babes-Bolyai”,, Clij Napoca, 1990, 156.