Occupational therapy for people with pervasive learning disorders

Course Code: TO 306 • Study year: III • Academic Year: 2025-2026
Domain: Psychology • Field of study: Occupational Therapy
Type of course: Compulsory
Language of instruction: Romanian
Erasmus Language of instruction: English
Name of lecturer: Ramona Stefana Petrovan
Seminar tutor: Ramona Stefana Petrovan
Form of education Full-time
Form of instruction: Class
Number of teaching hours per semester: 56
Number of teaching hours per week: 4
Semester: Autumn
Form of receiving a credit for a course: Grade
Number of ECTS credits allocated 4

Course aims:

-To recognise the specific terminology of the occupational therapy and of the discussed pathology
-To identify pervasive developmental disorders
-To apply the theory related to the pervasive developmental disorders
-To create essential skills of logics and language required for the educational and

Course Entry Requirements:

The general objective of the course is related to the students’ ability to understand the fundamental concepts of the occupational therapy, its philosophy and the specific models to be applied to persons affected by pervasive developmental disorders,

Course contents:

1. The definition and classification of pervasive developmental disorders 2. The process of evaluation and the selection of the interdisciplinary team in case of pervasive developmental disorders 3. Planning the objectives and creating a plan of intervention for autism 4. Implementing therapy and evaluating results for the treatment of autism 5. Planning the objectives and creating a plan of intervention for Asperger syndrome 6. Implementing therapy and evaluating results for the treatment of Asperger syndrome 7. Planning the objectives and creating a plan of intervention for Childhood disintegrative disorder 8. Implementing therapy and evaluating results for the treatment of Childhood disintegrative disorder 9. Planning the objectives and creating a plan of intervention for Rett syndrome Implementing therapy and evaluating results for the treatment of Rett syndrome 10. Planning the objectives and creating a plan of intervention for Global developmental delay 11. Implementing therapy and evaluating results for the treatment of Global developmental delay 12. Planning the objectives and creating a plan of intervention for atypical autism 13. Implementing therapy and evaluating results for the treatment of atypical autism 14. The impact or pervasive developmental disorders upon the occupational performance

Teaching methods:

Conversation, exemplification, case study, debate

Learning outcomes:

- Standard portfolio on given themes 30% - Written exam 70%

Learning outcomes verification and assessment criteria:

- Standard portfolio on given themes 30%-Written exam

Recommended reading:

Exkorn Karen Siff, Să înţelegem autismul. Tot ceea ce trebuie să ştiţi despre diagnosticare, tratament, adaptare la situaţia existentă şi vindecare, Aramis, Bucuresti, 2010, 1-50.
Kielhofner, G., Model of Human Occupation – theory and application (ediţia 3), Lippincot Williams & Williams/ISBN 0781728002, Lippincot Williams & Williams, Baltimore, 2002, 1-40.
8. Law M, Cooper B, Strong S, Stewart D, Rugby P, Lets L, ) The Person – Environment – Occupation Model: A Transitive approach to occupational performance, Canadian Journal of Occupational Therapy, Canadian Journal of Occupational Therapy, 1996, 1-60.
Peeters Theo, Autismul, Editura Polirom, Iasi, 2009, 1-70.
14. Polataijko H. J,Mandich A, Martini R, Dinamic Performance Analisis; A Framework for Understanding Occupational Performance, The American Journal of Occupational Therapy, The American Journal of Occupational Therapy, The American Journal of Occupational Therapy, 1999, 65-75.