Social Research Methodology

Course Code: SOC101 • Study year: I • Academic Year: 2025-2026
Domain: Sociology • Field of study: Sociology
Type of course: Compulsory
Language of instruction: Romanian
Erasmus Language of instruction: English
Name of lecturer: Lucian Marina
Seminar tutor: Alin Tomuș
Form of education Full-time
Form of instruction: Class / Seminary
Number of teaching hours per semester: 56
Number of teaching hours per week: 4
Semester: Autumn
Form of receiving a credit for a course: Grade
Number of ECTS credits allocated 6

Course aims:

To acquire the basic knowledge about the key components of social research.
To develop skills and knowledge about quantitative and qualitative social research.
Describe the key components and processes of social science research.
Develop a critical awareness of alternative methods and approaches.
Acquire a broad range of skills transferable to subsequent careers.

Course Entry Requirements:


Course contents:

1. Scientific Process and Social Research 2. Steps in Social Research 3. Research Problems 4. Steps in Research Problems 5. Research Design 6. Characteristics of a Good Research Design 7. Types of Research Design 8. Variable and Measurement 10. Scaling Technique and the questionnaire 11. Sampling Design 12. Selection of Sample (Sampling Technique) 13. Social research methods: qualitative and quantitative approaches 14. Processing and Analysis of Data

Teaching methods:

Lecture, conversation, exemplification

Learning outcomes:

Social Research Methodology is a course designed to teach and train students on a variety of approaches available to sociologists in order to best address a research question. By the end of the course, and having completed the essential reading and activities, the students will be able to: -formulate researchable questions. -define a research strategy and design a research project to answer a research question. -discuss the practice and principles of qualitative and quantitative social research. -to construct an effective questionnaire that employs several types of survey questions. -construct an effective research proposal.

Learning outcomes verification and assessment criteria:

Written paper –– 70%; project assessment – 30%.Research Proposal/Research Question: Identify a research question you want to answer. Discuss why this question is important substantively, and for sociology and/or other social sciences.

Recommended reading:

KUMAR, R., RESEARCH METHODOLOGY. A step-by-step guide for beginners, Sage, London, 2011, 366.
WALLIMAN, N., RESEARCH METHODS. The basics, Routledge, New York, 2011, 205.
KOTHARI, C.R., RESEARCH METHODOLOGY. Methods & Techniques, New Age International, New Delhi, 2014, 414.
MAY, T., SOCIAL RESEARCH.Issues, methods and process, Open University Press, Buckingham · Philadelphia, 2001, 300.
BLAIKIE, N. & PRIEST, J., SOCIAL RESEARCH. Paradigms in Action, Polity Press, Cambridge, 2017, 256.