Course Code: TP212 • Study year: II • Academic Year: 2025-2026
Domain: Theology • Field of study: Pastoral Orthodox Theology
Type of course: Compulsory
Language of instruction: Romanian
Erasmus Language of instruction: English
Name of lecturer: Marius - Liviu Telea
Seminar tutor: Marius - Liviu Telea
Form of education Full-time
Form of instruction: Class
Number of teaching hours per semester: 42
Number of teaching hours per week: 3
Semester: Summer
Form of receiving a credit for a course: Grade
Number of ECTS credits allocated 4

Course aims:

acquiring the spiritual-religious values of the Byzantine culture and civilization.
highlighting the Byzantine heritage in the Romanian space.

Course Entry Requirements:

The History of Byzantium

Course contents:

  1. Customs and daily life in Byzantium (lodgings and food).
  2. Customs and daily life in Byzantium (textures, ivory, enamels andsemiprecious stones).
  3. Customs and daily life in Byzantium (precious metals, jewelry, fine pearls, precious stones, luxury glassware and stained glass).
  4. Customs and daily life in Byzantium (clothing, hygiene and physical appearance, sexuality, abortion).
  5. Customs and daily life in Byzantium (family life, adultery and divorce, cohabitation, remarriage of widowers, polygamy, rape).
  6. Customs and daily life in Byzantium (widowhood, funeral and cult of the dead, the situation of women in Byzantium, slavery).
  7. Customs and daily life in Byzantium (entertainment, superstitions and heresies, heterodox and heretics).
  8. The intellectual life (secular education and christian education, the byzantine Philosophy).
  9. The intellectual life (science and technology, the byzantine Literature).
  10. The intellectual life (byzantine Art).
  11. The intellectual life (music, theatre)
  12. Byzantium after Byzantium (Byzantium and the romanian Countries, Byzantium and the West).
  13. Byzantium after Byzantium (The Orthodox Church during Ottoman rule, Byzantine heritage and the importance of the Byzantine Empire)
  14. Discusions and the course evaluation.

Teaching methods:

lecture, conversation, exemplification.

Learning outcomes:

- identifying the relation of the Byzantine civilisation and spirituality with the other theological disciplines and its complemetarity with the other disciplinescu of historical theology;

- the general study of the main landmarks of the Byzantine civilisation and spirituality;

 - analyzing the principles and methods of the discipline

Learning outcomes verification and assessment criteria:

Written paper – 70%; continuous assessment – 30%.

Recommended reading:

AHRWEILER, Hélène, Ideologia politică a Imperiului Bizantin, cu o postfaţă de: Nicolae Şerban TANAŞOCA, traducere de Cristina JINGA, Editura Corint, Bucuresti, 2002, -.
ANDEA, Avram, Sinteză de istorie bizantină, Editura Helicon, Timişoara, 1995, -.
BRĂTIANU, Gheorghe I, ., Studii bizantine de istorie socială şi economică, traducere şi prefaţă de Alexandru-Florin PLATON, ediţie, note şi comentarii de Ion TODERAŞCU şi Alexandru-Florin PLATON, Editura Polirom, Iasi, 2003, -.