Dynamics and Basic Earthquake Engineering

Course Code: IC3203 • Study year: III • Academic Year: 2025-2026
Domain: Civil Engineering • Field of study: Architecture and town planning
Type of course: Compulsory
Language of instruction: Romanian
Erasmus Language of instruction: English
Name of lecturer: Adina Ana Muresan
Seminar tutor: Adina Ana Muresan
Form of education Full-time
Form of instruction: Class / Seminary
Number of teaching hours per semester: 56
Number of teaching hours per week: 4
Semester: Summer
Form of receiving a credit for a course: Grade
Number of ECTS credits allocated 4

Course aims:

Developing skills to create structural analysis models.
Developing skills to design buildings under seismic actions.
Knowledge of seismic design codes for different types of structures.

Course Entry Requirements:

Special Mathematics, Mechanics, Strength of Materials 1, Strength of Materials 2, Reinforced and Pre-Stressed Concrete, Timber Structures, Buildings, Foundations

Course contents:

1. Introduction, Dynamic forces. The inertia properties of structures. Mass distribution of structures. Dynamic models. 2. 1 Degree of Freedom (DoF) dynamic systems. Free vibration of 1 DoF systems without damping. 3. Forced vibration of 1 DoF systems without damping. The dynamic response to the action of a random disturbing force. 4. The dynamic response to the action of an harmonic disturbing force. The resonance phenomenon. 5. Finite DoF dynamic systems. Free vibration of finite DoF dynamic systems without damping. Normal vibration modes. 6. Determination of the normal vibration modes as eigen problem. The orthogonality of eigen vectors. 7. Determination of the normal vibration modes using matrix iterations. 8. Introduction into seismological studies. Seismic response spectra, pseudo-spectra and design spectra. 9. Earthquake analysis methods for structures: equivalent lateral force method, modal analysis using seismic response spectra. Torsion effect. 10. Design concepts for structures under earthquake action. Post-elastic behaviour of structures: ductility, strength, redundancy and resilience. 11. Design rules for reinforced and pre-stressed concrete buildings under seismic action. 12. Design rules for steel, timber and masonry structures under seismic action. 13. Non-structural elements: types of non-structural elements and the effects of their interaction with structural elements. 14. Passive control of the seismic response of reinforced concrete and steel structures.

Teaching methods:

Presentation, discussions, case studies, practical applications

Learning outcomes:

- Understanding the dynamic response of a 1 DoF system. - Understanding the dynamic response of a finite DoF system. - Understanding the seismic response of a building. - Knowledge of seismic response for different types of structures. - Knowledge of seismic analysis methods for structures. - Understanding the influence of structural stiffness on the seismic response. - Understanding the general configuration of buildings under seismic actions. - Knowledge of structural resilience. - Knowledge of the control methods of the seismic response. - Knowledge of modern, innovative protection systems against seismic action.

Learning outcomes verification and assessment criteria:

Written examination: 40% of the final grade; Practical assignments during the semester: 60% of the final grade.

Recommended reading:

EN 1998-1, Eurocode 8: „Design of structures for earthquake resistance”. Part 1: „General rules, seismic actions and rules for buildings” 2004, 231.
A. Chopra, Dynamics of structures, John Wiley and Sons, 2006,
James Kelly, „Resistant Earthquake Design with Rubber”, Second Edition, Springer, 1997,