Type of course: | Compulsory |
Language of instruction: | Romanian |
Erasmus Language of instruction: | English |
Name of lecturer: | Ramona Stefana Petrovan |
Seminar tutor: | Ramona Stefana Petrovan |
Form of education | Full-time |
Form of instruction: | Class |
Number of teaching hours per semester: | -24 |
Number of teaching hours per week: | -2 |
Semester: | Summer |
Form of receiving a credit for a course: | Grade |
Number of ECTS credits allocated | -2 |
• Developing the observance ability, consignment, analyse and evaluation for the instructive-educational activities, on main objectives and in totality
• Forming the ability of counselling the parents related to the programme of the child during the family time, the educational methods, the knowledge of the child etc.;
• Knowing the research specific of the educational process (characteristic, stages, functions, types, methodology etc.);
• Developing the capacity to cooperate with various educational factors, stimulating their participation in the instructive-educational activity.
Forming a system of operational abilities to project, achieve and evaluate instructive-educational activities: the ability to project full lessons, various types and variants, and other types of educational organisation forms (trips, visits, practica
- The observation and the registering of the integral development of different instructive-educational activities with the help of adequate instruments (grids, files, guides etc.); - The analyse, the debate and the group evaluation of the observed activities - Completely conduct instructive-educational activities according to the planning projected by the coordinator and the mentor of pedagogic practice; - Using evaluation (self-evaluation) instruments for the instructive-educational activities; measuring and evaluating the objectives and the lesson - Exercises for the projection of alternative activities, integral or on sequences, depending on the results of the evaluation; - Practicing a positive attitude in the relation with the preschool children and the profession and practicing a creative attitude in the development of the activities ; - Applying methods and procedures for the prevention and the recovery of the retard in the development of the preschool children - Practical activities for the counselling of the parents upon the programme of the children during the family time, educational methods etc.; - The identification of the research characteristics, stages, functions etc., through the analyse of empiric research developed in the preschool unit and through group discussions, debates, argumentation, reasoning and communicational techniques etc.; - Participating to various activities with the educational partners (family, consultations, visits, lectures, negotiations, debates with several governmental and nongovernmental organisations etc.). Using the techniques of negotiation, argumentation/ dispute, prognosis, reasoning and communication and persuasion
Conversation, Exemplification
The study of curricular documents specific to preschool: The Curriculum for preschool; the methodical guide for preschool; the auxiliary curriculum for preschool - Creating observation files for the assisted lessons - Creating the activity project for the lesson
- Creating projects for instructive-educational activities, using concepts, theories, paradigms, principles and methodologies specific to the educational sciences or to the taught disciplines; - Practicing instructive-educational activities that use
Petrovan Ramona Ştefana, Lucia Buda,
Caiet de practică pedagogică, Editura Focus,
Petrovan Ramona Ştefana, Lucia Buda,
Ghid de practică pedagogică, Editura Focus,
Glava, A.,Glava, C.,,
Introducere în pedagogia preşcolara, Ed. Dacia Educaional,
Ştefan M., A., Frăsineanu E., S,,
Ghid de practică pedagogică, Editura Sitech,
Ghid de bune practice pentru educaţia timpurie a copiilor de la 3 la 6/7 ani, MECT,