Course Code: I.2104 • Study year: II • Academic Year: 2025-2026
Domain: History • Field of study: History
Type of course: Compulsory
Language of instruction: Romanian
Erasmus Language of instruction: English
Name of lecturer: Cornelia Popa Gorjanu
Seminar tutor: Cornelia Popa Gorjanu
Form of education Full-time
Form of instruction: Class
Number of teaching hours per semester: 28
Number of teaching hours per week: 2
Semester: Autumn
Form of receiving a credit for a course: Grade
Number of ECTS credits allocated 5

Course aims:

This course aims to achieve an introduction of the Archeology students in the field of Auxiliary Sciences of History by making presentations of the development of these sciences as well as their application in the various fields of historical research.

Course Entry Requirements:


Course contents:

Introduction to the Auxiliary Sciences of History Chronology Archaeology Bibliology Codicology Epigraphy Palaeography Heraldry Numismatics Geneaology Sigilography Diplomatics Art History Statistics

Teaching methods:

Lecture, conversation, exemplification

Learning outcomes:

oral and written presentation in English of the specific discipline knowledge the usage, at a basic level, of methodologies specific to auxiliary sciences of history.

Learning outcomes verification and assessment criteria:

Written paper – 90%; discussions – 10%.

Recommended reading:

Powell, James M. ed., Medieval Studies. An Introduction, Syracuse-New York, Syracyse University Press, 1992.
Newton, Francis, “The” Scriptorium and Library at Monte Cassino: 1058 – 1105, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2004.