Course Code: EA4208 • Study year: IV • Academic Year: 2025-2026
Domain: Electronic engineering and telecommunications • Field of study: Applied Electronics
Type of course: Compulsory
Language of instruction: English, German
Erasmus Language of instruction: English, German
Name of lecturer: Adrian Alexandru Tulbure
Seminar tutor: Paula Stoica
Form of education Full-time
Form of instruction: Class / Seminary
Number of teaching hours per semester: 42
Number of teaching hours per week: 3
Semester: Summer
Form of receiving a credit for a course: Grade
Number of ECTS credits allocated 3

Course aims:

Outline the principles and methods that constitute the testing of devices and equipment used in electronics
Qualitative and quantitative interpretation of the functioning of electronic circuits and identification of main test points
Identification of hardware and software solutions for the main problems of automated testing of equipments
Use of the criteria and methods of evaluation of the quality of production processes and service activities in the field of electronic engineering
Design of dedicated systems with simple architecture, including related programs

Course Entry Requirements:

Analog and digital electronic circuits, Electronic components

Course contents:

1. General considerations regarding the testing process 2. Characterization of defects. Logical defects. Short circuit defects. Interrupt type defects. 3. Generation of deterministic test vectors (ATG) for combinational circuits 4. Generation of deterministic test vectors (ATG) for sequential circuits 5. Random Test Generation (RTG) Methods 6. Generators of pseudo-random sequences 7. Data compression methods 8. Design principles for testability 9. Structured design for testability 10. Testing standard 1149.1 11. Testing standard 1149.4 12. Other standards used in testing 13. Indirect testing method – IDDQ testing 14. Indirect testing method – thermal footprint testing

Teaching methods:

Theorie and practical experiments

Learning outcomes:

- to develop the students' ability to use the knowledge acquired in the cross-semester practice correctly; - to operationalize them in software and hardware testing procedures. - to apply manual testing methods and techniques, automatic for both classical physical circuits and for software program routines and sequences.

Learning outcomes verification and assessment criteria:

50% examina, 25% laboratory work, 25% semester activity

Recommended reading:

D. Pitica, Elemente de testare pentru sisteme electronice., Ed. Albastra, cluj, 2001, a.
. Abramovici, M. Breuere, A. Friedman, Digital systems testing and testable design, Computer Science Press, USA, 1998, b.
D.Pitica, Testarea echipamentelor electronice – îndrumar de laborator., Ed. Casa cartii de stiinta, cluj, 2001, c.
A.Tulbure, Electro-probleme, Aeternitas, Alba, 2015, e.
VDA, LV123/ LV124/LV148, VW standard, Germany, 2017, f.